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The Importance of Getting the Right Amount of Sleep

The Importance of Getting the Right Amount of Sleep

When you do not sleep for 7 to 9 hours a day, your body and brain get affected. Over time, this may turn into a sleep disorder.

Do not underestimate the importance of getting the right amount of sleep. It is as important to your body as air and water. Your body heals itself and restores the chemical balance when you sleep. Similarly, your brain tries to form new thought connections and retains memory.

The Importance of Getting the Right Amount of Sleep:

Better Concentration and Productivity

According to countless studies, getting the right amount of sleep is important for better cognition, concentration, and productivity.

According to researchers, if a child does not establish a good sleep routine, it will soon start to affect their academic performance and behaviour.

Similarly, when adults do not get a good night’s sleep, they end up feeling angry and making irrational decisions that they might not have if they had been well-rested.

Lower Risk of Overeating

Evidence suggests that someone who gets a good night’s sleep is more likely to consume fewer calories throughout the day.

This is because your sleep health and patterns are directly related to the hormones in your body that oversee your appetite. A bad sleep routine can mess up the body’s ability to regulate food intake.

In addition, those who stay up during the night are more likely to binge on unhealthy food. After all, if you eat dinner at 8 pm, you will likely feel hungry at 2 am when watching your favourite Netflix series.

Better Performance at the Gym

The National Sleep Foundation states that adults need to sleep for 7 to 9 hours a night, while athletes may need to sleep for 10 hours a night. While consuming nutrients and calories is important, getting the right amount of sleep is just as essential for professional athletes.

This is because when we sleep, the body starts to heal itself. Additionally, it allows better performance intensity, mental functioning, coordination, energy, and speed.

Lower Chances of Heart Disease

Heart disease is usually a result of high blood pressure. Research shows that sleeping well each night helps the body regulate blood pressure naturally.

If you follow a sleep schedule and practice sleep hygiene consistently, you are less likely to experience sleep-related conditions like sleep apnea. On top of that, you are likely to have better heart health than others.

Higher Social and Emotional Intelligence

Did you know that those who do not sleep for 7 to 9 hours a day are less likely to recognize the emotional needs of other people?

A study looked at the responses of individuals to emotional stimuli. By the end of the study, it was found that when individuals do not get a sufficient amount of sleep, their emotional empathy decreases.


Making sure you are getting the proper amount of sleep is just as important for your mind as it is for the body.